Author Archives: SCM
IMF Paper Warns: Mass inflation, savings tax and write-offs in developed countries
Bank Corruption in Australia – Parasitic Behaviour
The Fed – 100 years of inflation
Been meaning to re-post this for a week but uhh…yeh.
Originally from ZH, we can clearly see that the Federal Reserve has made it much more expensive to live than 100 years ago relative to incomes – even as people are allegedly “wealthier”.
Australian Property Bubble – A tale of two Perspectives
Can’t believe I didn’t find this channel earlier!
Esther Ku
This chick is Korean AND hilarious!
Howard Government
Literally the single most destructive and damaging government in Australia’s history.
Australia – Corrupt and Poorly Governed
9 Wonders, 9 Angels
Amerifats buttmad
>Still believing the world revolves around your shitty country
Americans, plz go
Vote for GG in the YTMA
Do the social sharing thing on this video to f/g+/t to vote. I for one created a Twitter account just to vote, and I’m not proud of it – but, it’s better than allowing anyone else (apart from ERB & PSY whom are also quite cool) there to win, I mean… Bieber, Gaga, One Direction and Cyrus? This is like a list of people who should be banished from the Earth.