Author Archives: SCM
John’s Epic GSL Season 2 Finals Speech
Another season ends, another zerg win >:{
This speech however, is sheer awesome.
GSL Season 1: Tribute to the Fruit Dealer
This is like a month late, but nevertheless, awesome vid.
For the sc2 n00bs, you can see all the top zerg players in the world losing at the start, and being very frustrated. Pretty much all of them were saying zerg is very underpowered at the time and stands no chance in professional competition, and then this guy comes in and wins the biggest tournament with the biggest prize pool, as zerg.
And then Blizzard goes ahead and buffs zerg anyway! Bastards…but that’s another story :P
Pretty short, specific, unquestionable 911 Vid
Bad Company 2
Epic UK Troll
Well played sir, well played.
Which Starcraft 2 Unit is the coolest?
I am going to say Stalker
I am the heart of darkness…
Don’t do Evil (Unless it’s profitable)
Young will have to change names to escape ‘cyber past’ warns Google’s Eric Schmidt
I mean honestly, who the hell still uses google bullshit? Why, so they can sell your private data for a quick buck? Ok, good luck with that.
Quick word about sc2
Starcraft 2, an extremely awesome game as I’m hearing from beta testers, will be released in 2 days. Just wanted to say that it’s had more pre-orders in NA than any shitty console game.
Suck it console peasants.
Apple’s secure software myth goes flying out the door
As for 2010, Apple is the worst company when it comes to security, even more so than Microsoft.
Not surprising, considering they try and hide constant security updates from it’s users
Google goes after Apple Customers
In a daring bid, Google is now attempting to steal Apple’s customers and employees, by paying more money to their gay employees – thereby rallying support for them within the gay community (which makes up almost all Apple users, and all of their employees).
Linux has better driver support than windows
I like where this is going….
Israel kills unarmed activists abroad an unarmed Turkish ship delivering aid to Gaza.
Turkey (NATO member) threatens Israel with unprecidented consequences, and sends it’s navy to escort other aid ships. And has now called an emergency meeting of NATO.
Israel claims they will defend their blocade with whatever means necessary.
EU is outraged at Israel
America hasn’t said anything, but surely Obama will not do much apart from kissing Israel’s ass as usual.
Western claims of NK sinking SK’s ship are provocatively false
North Korea is one of the biggest attention whores in the world, who always takes credibility for the things it does. It’s funny how they are not taking credit for sinking South Korea’s ship, but are in fact denying it to death…
Apple gets iTold
Imagine an iPad. Now image it runs on Intel hardware. Imagine it runs Android. Imagine it costs 1/5th of what the iPad costs (so $100 USD).
Basically imagine an iPad, but one which doesn’t incredibly suck so as to be a totally crippled device, flogged off for a massively overpriced cost (ie. not made by apple).
I introduce to you…the iPed!
It’s already on sale at some online stores.
This gives you an idea of just how ridiculously everything made by Apple is overpriced. Imagine that almost all of the money you are spending on an apple product will be pure profit, and is not necessary for the product R&D nor manufacturing.
Goes to show how completely and utterly retarded apple users are.
Apple = TOLD
(Especially quickly this time!)
Update: Apple just getting told all over.