Category Archives: Politics
11 Years of Merkel “Democracy”
United Kingdom takes their country back from un-elected corrupt globalist bureaucrats, on the one day Trump visits
RBA backs negative gearing reform, coalition in denial
Document obtained from the RBA via the Freedom of Information Act
We cannot afford to let the coalition win and continue this speculation and economic rent seeking.
Trump wins the GOP nomination race
The madman did it. He dared to dream of a free America.
“The Trump Family That I Know” – A Black Female Trump Executive Speaks
Turnbull has taken the wrong stance on housing, and must pay the price
Microaggressions & The Rise of HYPERSENSITIVE Victimhood Culture
Fantastic 15m video
Turnbull’s Big Election Joke
Why the Globalist Elite fear Trump
Trump charity sponsors Mexican boy, who’s mother is terminally ill – gets handwritten letter from Trump
All this was long before he ran for President. Of course, the mainstream media will never report on this.
TRUMP puts out new ad calling our Soros and Browncoat thugs
Why Trump is the Greatest
Why Trump is running
When Trump was young
The video about immigrants supporting Trump that mainstream media will never show you
Anti-Trump Rally a setup by Clinton/Soros
I have been holding up posting anything about the protest for a few days until all the facts are clear, and now it seems like there is definitely something afoot.
Turnbull declares war on Aussie youth
Malcolm Turnbull has launched a full scale war against Australia’s youth.
Whilst Turnbull refuses to address negative gearing and the capital gains tax (CGT) discount, which together cost the Budget many billions in foregone revenue, the Coalition is now planning to slash funding to universities by 20%, thus leading to significantly increased fees for Australian students.